Students Bring Meatless Mondays to 95 School Districts - Wholesome Culture - Blog
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(Source: Michal Jarmoluk
by: Jane Harkness

The idea of giving up animal products overnight can seem overwhelming—that is where non-profits like Meatless Mondays come in. This organization aims to help people transition to a plant-based diet by starting with small changes, like giving up meat on Mondays and choosing fruits, veggies, and whole grains instead.

This campaign started back in 2003, and in recent years, it has been making a huge impact. They do not just provide resources to help individuals give up meat—they also work with businesses, restaurants, hospitals, and even school cafeterias. Now, Whitsons Culinary Group, a dining service provider in the Northeastern US, will be launching Meatless Mondays for all 95 schools that they service.

Why did Whitsons decide to go forward with this initiative? Well, they are just giving students what they really want. Their customer service surveys revealed that students requested more vegetarian and vegan options in their cafeterias. More and more young people are choosing plant-based options over animal products: approximately 26% of millennials identify as vegetarian or vegan, and the teenagers of Generation Z are also increasingly interested in veganism.


So, what is on the menu for Meatless Mondays? The options will be tasty, nutritious, and “student friendly.” For example, Whitsons will be providing garden burgers and black bean burgers topped with veggies so that student have a healthy alternative to regular hamburgers. And if students need to satisfy a sweet tooth, yummy treats like acai bowls with fruit and granola will also be available.

When schools join the Meatless Mondays campaign, not only are they helping the animals and our planet, they are also helping thousands of young people experience the benefits of the plant-based lifestyle. The meatless options that Whitsons will be offering are healthier than standard cafeteria fare. Furthermore, some students do not have access to nutritious, plant-based foods at home. By having Meatless Mondays in school cafeterias, all students will have the opportunity to try new foods that might change the way they eat in the future. This initiative will expand access to vegan foods for everyone in the school system, regardless of their background.


Meatless Mondays represent a step in the right direction. Not everyone can quit animal products cold turkey, but if students have the chance to incorporate more vegan meals into their diets without much effort, they might be inspired to give up animal products altogether one day.

If these schools respond positively to Meatless Mondays, perhaps more cafeterias will join in and grow the movement. A petition on calling for the National School Lunch Board to provide plant-based milk options in cafeterias is currently halfway to a goal of 5,000 signatures. If you would like to help the vegan movement take off in schools around the country, sign today!

Meatless Mondays: About Us
Whitsons Culinary Group Launches Meatless Monday Initiative
Survey Finds 81% of Millennials Purchase Food Based on Protein Content—But That Doesn’t Mean They’re Buying Meat
Generation Z’s One (Drastic) Dietary Preference is Radically Changing the Food System
Whitsons Culinary Group Launches Meatless Mondays Initiative in School Districts throughout the Northeast
Petition: Provide Plant-Based Milk Options


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