How to make the world a better place for elephants
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Mankind’s fascination with elephants has put them on the endangered species list.

From ivory hunting, to zoos, and savage practices driven by touristic appeal, humans are putting the future of elephants at risk.

Eradicating cruelty starts by bringing awareness to the issue. This is why we’re bringing you all the info you need to start making a change on World Elephant Day (and every day!)

Some facts about elephantselephant walking in the savana

Did you know that the number of elephants has dropped by 62 percent in the last decade alone?

The ivory trade is largely to blame, and it’s still alive and well, mostly driven by high demand from the Asian market.

Sadly, that’s hardly the only issue elephants face in 2018.

Destruction of their natural habitat and their continued use for entertainment purposes are two other serious problematics that deserve our attention.

Why zoos and elephant rides are wrongtwo elephants in the mud with trunks entertwined

Dr. Jane Goodall once said:

“I have spent hours and hours watching elephants, and come to understand what emotional creatures they are…it’s not just a species facing extinction, it’s massive individual suffering.”

Elephants used as touristic attraction are held captive and often abused; mistreated while being kept in subpar environments devoid of proper veterinary care.

As a consequence, most elephants display signs of trauma and depression.

Want to make things better? Here’s how:

You can help elephants today

Beside the obvious avoidance of activities that abuse elephants, there are multiple ways you can act to raise awareness and diminish their plight.

Number one?

Raise your voice.

Share some elephant facts on your social media accounts and encourage others to get educated. (Don’t hesitate to share this post!)

If you want to take your dedication a little further, we suggest donating to the World Elephant Society.

Want to showcase your support? This ‘Don’t Ride Them, Just Love them’ t-shirt says it all! Bonus: 15 percent of all profits go to animal rescue and shelters.

What are your thoughts on the importance of World Elephant Day? Will you celebrate with us? Let us know in the comments!

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