13 annoying things every vegan is tired of hearing
Going vegan often comes with a side portion of questions, jokes, and comments about your eating habits.
It may be beyond annoying – but it also gives us an opportunity to have a laugh!
Here are our ultimate things vegans are most tired of hearing.
1. Humans are supposed to eat meat.
Last time we checked, humans were actually herbivores.
2. There are too many animals in the world anyway.
This conversation is over.
3. I am not a vegan, but I eat “humane” meat.
Yeah, that’s not really a thing…
4. How do you get enough calcium?
I’m bored.
5. What do you eat if you don’t eat animal products?
Oh, you know… Food.
6. Plants have feelings too.
Yeah….you lost me.
7. How can you live without bacon?
Just like that!
8. Can’t you just take the meat out?
You’re funny.
9. Why are you vegan? Wait – don’t tell me! I love meat too much.
I’m not really sure what to say now.
10. I care about animals just as much as you do.
Just smile and nod.
11. Where do you get your protein?
12. I can’t afford to be vegan.
Sure, not everyone can afford rice and vegetables.
13. Vegan food is weird.
I’m not really sure what’s weird about grains, fruit, and vegetables… But OK.
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annoying things every vegan is tired of hearingbeing veganfunny vegan gifsplant-based lifestylequestions about veganismthings people say to vegansvegan lifestylevegan livingvegan memesvegan questionswhere do vegans get their protein
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