6 cool plastic alternatives you've gotta try this Plastic Free July
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Good news! Plastic-free July doesn’t have to end when the month does. Luckily for eco-friendly consumers, plenty of companies are using really cool single-use plastic alternatives in their products.

Keep the plastic-free trend going strong with these incredible plastic alternatives you can use all year long!

6 cool eco-friendly plastic alternatives

1. Leaves for plates and bowls

Leaf-based bowls and plates make it possible to eat a plant-based diet…on plants! Several eco-friendly companies are replacing plastic with nature, including Leaf Republic. Their dishes are a great alternative to single-use plastic plates, bowls, and takeaway containers. The lids are made with bioplastic or recycled plastic, and their three-layered bowls are made with leaves and water-proof leave-made paper. 

The best part is that they biodegrade in only 28 days!

2. Myco Foam for packaging

Myco Foam is made of plants – mainly mycelium (mushrooms), making it 100 percent biodegradable. Thanks to Ecovative Design, some big names, including Dell, are using it to replace plastic packaging. The company is also working to create animal-free leather and alternative meat products.

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What has an infinite number of points equidistant from its center? If you guessed mycelium, you’d be wrong. On the other hand, if you’re thinking an interconnected hyphal network binding agricultural waste together is just as circular in its design and beautiful in its form as this molded shape, then you’re our kind of thinker! . Biodegradable replacements and nature inspired designs are one part of the growing circular economy. Get involved today by checking the link in our bio and going to @grow.bio to learn about the MycoCommunity and how to grow your own molded shapes. Maybe sacred geometry will inspire your own creation! . #ecovative #myceliumtechnology #mycocomposite #mycocommunity #biodegradeablepackaging #compostablepackaging #sustainabledesign #biotechnology #biodegradeable #custompackaging #giy

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3. Biodegradable menstrual cups instead of tampons and pads

Is your cycle contributing to plastic pollution? Sadly, period items are the fifth most common plastic item showing up on our beaches. Many period items contain a lot of plastic, including tampons with single-use plastic applicators. 

Have a more environmentally-friendly period by switching from tampons and pads to a biodegradable menstrual cup. We recommend The DivaCup, which is available in three sizes!

4. Bamboo toothbrushes 

A billion plastic toothbrushes will be thrown away this year in the US, and none of them will biodegrade.

Bamboo toothbrushes are a great eco-friendly alternative.

Mother Vault’s Mao Bamboo Toothbrush gets your teeth sparkling clean, while helping make the planet a bit cleaner, too. Their packaging is even 100 percent recyclable! 

5. Bamboo and wheat straws instead of single-use plastic straws

Over 500,000,000 straws are used daily in the U.S. alone. Bamboo and wheat straws are great eco-friendly alternatives. 

Cut plastic straws out of your life with our “Be The Change – Bamboo Straws”. They come in a cute pouch, making them perfect for tossing in your bag and using on-the-go. 

Bamboo Straw

6. Biodegradable coffee mugs instead of paper 

Most to-go coffee cups are not recyclable because they have a plastic inner coating. And 6 billion disposable coffee cups are used each year.

Our “Live Gently Upon this Earth” reusable coffee mug is an eco-friendly alternative. It is 100% organic and made with completely biodegradable materials, including bamboo powder and cornstarch.  

plastic free July


To learn more about how to reduce your plastic use, check out these other posts:

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