How to make your bedroom eco-friendly - Wholesome Culture - Blog
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Bedrooms are a sacred place to unwind and get a good sleep.

But is your bedroom planet-friendly – and how could you make it more so? Read on to find out!

Use non-toxic paint

We may not pay much attention to the paint on our walls – but did you know it often contains toxic substances? When painting your bedroom walls, choose low-VOC or no-VOC paints. These “green” paints are better for your wellbeing – and for the planet.  

Pick recycled furniture

Instead of buying a new dresser and nightstand, pick up used ones from a second-hand furniture store. If need be, you can bring them to life with a lick of paint – reclaimed furniture is all the rage right now!

Choose an organic mattress and bedding

Did you know that, on average, we spend 33 years of our lives sleeping?

Yup, that’s right! So, make wise choices when it comes to your mattress and invest in one that’s made from hemp, bamboo, or cotton. They’re free of toxins which is better for your health – and for the environment!

Use eco-friendly light bulbs

Make your bedroom greener with energy-efficient light bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) cost a bit more than traditional light bulbs – but they consume 75 percent less electricity (and will last longer!).

Less electricity means lower greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere – which helps off-set global warming.

Unplug standby appliances

How often do you unplug standby appliances? You may not be using them – but they are using your electricity! Do the planet a favor and unplug them when they’re not in use. Plus, you’ll save on energy costs!  

Decorate with houseplants

Plants are a great way to purify air and get rid of pollutants! Research has shown they can help eliminate the VOCs in the air – so make sure you add a plant or two to your bedroom décor. Not sure how to find the plant for you? This infographic will help you make the right choice.

For more tips on planet-friendly living, check out these other posts:

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