Today — right here and right now– we have the power to use our voices to spread love and peace. From listening more intently to embracing educational resources, here are 14 powerful ways to promote peace in your life and in the lives of those around you.
14 beautiful ways to promote peace in our world right now
1. Be kind and direct
Treating all beings with kindness — no matter their race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation — is a give-in. However, in order to promote a more peaceful planet, we also need to challenge those who undermine inclusivity and compassion. We recommend reading this article on direct compassionate feedback for helpful tips on how to help others grow and improve.
2. Bring a sense of mindfulness into your conversations
If you feel a conversation start to take an unproductive turn, try rerouting it into a more productive place.
Of course, venting in moderation is healthy and normal, but sometimes it just takes asking thoughtful questions to make space for new light, knowledge, and intention.
3. Embrace educational resources
In order to promote peace, it’s also important to understand why certain beings suffer injustices more than others. Pay attention to current events, look at both local and international news, and read books/listen to podcasts about peace and social justice. You can also find helpful resources at the United Nation’s report for Creating an Inclusive Society.
4. Remember names
Remembering someone’s name is a beautiful way to show them they matter to you. This goes for everyone from baristas, to a co-worker’s significant other, to those who are no longer with us.
5. Pay close attention to language
The power of language is not to be underestimated. By constantly interrogating your words and seeking to use more inclusive language, you’ll help fight assumptions that have become automatic in your mindset. For example, not attaching gender to a theoretical person is a great place to start.
6. Question yourself
Ask yourself: How can I do more to promote peace? Dig beneath the surface to try and achieve deeper empathy of others, particularly those who are different from you.
7. Listen intently
Be receptive to feedback. We are all imperfect, but we can strive to improve through open dialogue and increased awareness.
8. Use your voice for good
Fortunately, there are so many ways to use our voices for good. Updating social media, writing letters to policy-makers, signing petitions, VOTING, and attending peace rallies are all ways to act from a place of love.
9. Perform random acts of kindness
Whether you call a relative just to say “hello” or give a co-worker unsolicited praise, there are so many ways to make the world a happier place.
Looking for some kind-living inspiration? Check out these posts with tons of ways to be kinder in your everyday:
- 80 Super simple random acts of kindness for all areas of your life
- 8 Simple ways to make Mother Earth happy
- 30 Ways to embrace more kindness in your everyday
10. Smile and wave
“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Simply acknowledging the presence of other beings is a powerful way to share kindness and promote peace into the universe.
11. Reflect on gratitude
Research shows that when we channel more gratefulness in our lives, we’re also less self-centered and less envious.
Try writing in a gratitude journal, spending time outdoors, and meditating. Whatever makes you feel most connected to gratitude is the “best” practice for you and that’s how you’ll get the most benefits, too.
P.S. Take our quiz to test your knowledge of the wonderful benefits of gratitude!
12. Nourish slow living
It’s easy to miss an opportunity to be kind and thoughtful when we’re go, go, go all of the time. Opt for a walk, chat with a neighbor (while maintaining social distance!), and take deep breaths. When we practice patience and mindfulness within, it radiates to the world around us.
13. Do the right thing when no one is watching
Committing to doing both action-based work and inner-work goes far beyond an Instagram feed. How we handle uncomfortable situations on a Zoom call with two people, at a party with 20 friends, and at the grocery store says a lot about who we are. We cannot be complicit bystanders to injustices, rather we need to be mindful advocates.
14. Give yourself tangible reminders of peace

Stick kind-living quotes on your fridge, use a keychain that represents peace, or wear a shirt like our “Be a Piece of Peace” tee to give yourself reminders to repurpose and re-root your intention.
We’re so grateful you’re on this journey with us as we continue to learn and grow. Thank you for being part of our community.
To check out more resources on ways to make the world a kinder place to call home, check out these posts:
- These 8 courageous women are making the planet a better place
- 21 Ways to make Earth Day every day
- One woman’s inspiring journey from animal lover to animal saver