Inspiring animal videos that brighten up our days | Wholesome Culture
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Raise your hand if you need a little joy to brighten up your news feeds. 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏿‍♂️ 🙋🏽‍♀️ We’ve got you! These two inspiring animal videos from our partner, Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary, will make your heart burst with pure happiness.

Sale Ranch Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit that not only gives a loving home to farm animals discarded by the dairy industry, but also provides refuge and hospice to senior horses and animals with special needs. We’re so in awe of the work they’re doing to make the lives of animals happier and healthier. And we know once you watch these inspiring animal rescue videos — you’ll be right there with us!

P.S. Turn your sound ON! 

1. This goat named Jolene learns to use her legs 

This adorable goat named Jolene was living on a petting farm before she was rescued by Sale Ranch. While Jolene was unable to use her front legs when she was first rescued, with the help of a cart, practice, and lots of love… she’s in the process of straightening her legs. “She’s amazing,” Jen Sale from the sanctuary says in the video. We couldn’t agree more!

2. This sweet blind cow named Love gets reunited with her soul sister, Hope 

These two cows, Hope and Love, were born at a factory dairy farm. And since Hope is blind, Love became her seeing eye friend. They were eventually separated, but the stars aligned so Sale Ranch Sanctuary could reunite the sisterly pair. “These girls will never be separated again. They have the rest of their life to grow old together,” says Jen Sale. (And now, we’re officially crying. 😭)

3. Say good morning to all the rescue animals at Sale Ranch!

Learn more about the absolutely amazing work Sale Ranch is doing.

And fill your life with positive vibes with these reads:

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